Tuesday, April 28, 2015

How Does Music Impact Your Settings?

Just to debrief, my topic is , "how does music impact your settings?" It has been very interesting.
This blog entry will just be a review of what I have learned.

I have learned alot and it has been very fun. the process has been great, I hate to see this time fly by so fast, but it does have to come to an end. To summarize, I've learned that music can effect or can describe your current mood. For example, if you're sad, you may never realize that you are playing slow sad music.

The process has been fun but it has had ups and downs. Like the time I left my phone at home. I also had difficulty trying to find the information I needed. Instead, I always found information I did not need.

< https://blog.bufferapp.com/music-and-the-brain >
< http://examinedexistence.com/how-music-changes-your-mood/ >
< http://www.healthline.com/health-news/mental-listening-to-music-lifts-or-reinforces-mood-051713 >

Monday, April 20, 2015

How Does Music Impact Your Settings?

Just to refresh, my topic is "how does music impact your settings/moods?" I have found it really interesting once again.

Did you know that restaurants play music to ease food? Restuarants also play music to make people's appetite bigger. Pretty much, making you buy more food than you expected. Playing music makes you think less of your previous thoughts.It also helps with digestion.

Gorcery stores use a similar trick. They play music to keep you in stores longer. They put necesary items in the back, so they make you walk through other items that they might want to get rid of.

< http://www.thegreenestdollar.com/2009/04/grocery-store-tricks-save-money/ >
< https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/hide-and-seek/201407/the-psychology-restaurant-music >

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

How Does Music Impact Your Settings?

Just to refresh, my topic is "how does music impact your settings/moods?" I have found it really interesting.

When I was researching on Tuesday, I found a lot of ways music changes mood.
For example, it can,
-Make you happy
-Motivate you
-Reduce stress
-Change perception
-Modify brain waves
-Make moods better!
Better mood = Better life :)
Music also reflects your moods.

I also had a failure technically, I left my phone at home that day. When it came time to right my blog I realized that I couldn't because Google had sent a code to my phone to which I use to login with. But otherwise, researching was pretty fun!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Does Music Impact Your Settings?

Does music impact your settings?
- You may have noticed but music does impact your settings.
For example,
Students listening to music helps them concentrate on schoolwork/homework.
Restaurants playing music while you eat.
They all have side effects.

Learning this topic will be interesting because each type of music has its own specialty and their effects. It can also be fun learning the different feelings people have on each type of music. It will also be tough if I try to research this topic because everything on music could be a opinion. Biased thoughts will not be helpful for this.

Doing Genius Hour for the first time will be interesting but it may still hold many interesting and fun things. Everything holds their secrets and it is up to you to find out what it holds behind it.